Charlie Reading
Dog owner
Glocestershire, UK
Joey has been lead aggressive since being attacked as a puppy whilst on lead. His reaction was so extreme that we have avoided contact with other dogs for the past 18 months. He would lunge, snarl, growl, bark and swing from side to side on his lead.
I have seen numerous professionals over the years, none of which were able to help. By chance I stumbled upon Denise on Facebook and contacted her immediately and booked a TAF session. At the end of the session with Denise, Joey walked around a room with approximately 10 other dogs in it and did not react. This would have previously been my worse nightmare. With the help of a neighbour's non-reactive lab we are making huge steps forward.
This week, whilst having the occasional silly habitual reaction, Joey was more interested in sniffing bushes which is something he has never done in the presence of another dog whilst on a lead. He is also choosing to stay in the TAF position once I release his collar. I have always said my biggest problem was not knowing what to do when Joey was having a reaction and felt helpless.
With TAF I can now counteract his reactions. I now find myself wishing that we will encounter another dog instead of hoping that we don't. I know we have a long way to go, Denise herself said Joey was extremely volatile, but I know with TAF and the constant support of Denise I am 100% confident we will do this.
I am so looking forward to be able to give Joey the life experiences he has been missing out on. Just wish I'd found Denise years ago.
Update 29/4/17:
7 weeks ago by pure chance I stumbled across Denise Cadelac Mcleod on Facebook who helps reactive dogs using her technique Turn and Face (TAF). I immediately got in touch and booked a private session for my extremely reactive 4 year old border collie Joey. Denise herself even said Joey was probably the most volatile dog she had ever seen.
I have practiced TAF just once a week since with friend’s dogs. It has been the best decision I have ever made. Joey is almost completely non-reactive and takes comfort in being in the TAF position when needed. The technique is so kind and reassuring to dogs and I would recommend Denise to anyone.
Having a reactive dog is so stressful on both the owner and the dog, often triggered by one solitary incident. I have tried many specialists over the years and nothing but TAF has helped. Anyone who knows me will know that I would do anything for my dogs. Joey now has the life I have always hoped for and we are currently on holiday going wherever we want to go rather than finding places with no other dogs around.
Denise you are one special lady and Joey and I will always be grateful, thank you.